At Stevens Foster you will find a fully integrated team approach. Our goal is to exceed your expectations in meaningful and measurable ways. We understand you, your life situation, your goals, and your flexibility; our team knows the depths and intricacies of the investment, tax, and financial planning worlds.
Our expertise in executive benefit plans — deferred compensation, stock options, restricted shares, awards, employee stock purchase plans, ownership requirements, retirement and excess benefit plans. We put the focus on maximizing your corporate benefits and integrating them within the elements of your overall financial planning. Our team works hand-in-hand toward our goal of growing your balance sheet and minimizing taxes.
Bill Stevens founded Stevens Foster in 1988 after working in the risk management and advisory fields and has been active in the financial services industry for over 40 years. Bill and our team have had extensive experience working with a wide range of clients including corporate executives, business owners, entrepreneurs etc.
We’re in the business of helping you grow your balance sheet, your net worth. Reliable balance sheet growth is the result of the methodical and disciplined application of expertise in a variety of financial areas. The key to our singularity lies in our integration of all the disciplines of wealth management under one roof. Wealth is accumulated not simply by making sound investments choices, planning for the future and structuring income to minimize taxes: wealth is accumulated by doing all three expertly and consistently.